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Code of Conduct

As a small business owner we are proud to be a member of the Australian Human Resources Institute and our director holds a Fellow Membership within the Institute of Managers and Leaders. As such we adhere to their respective codes of conducts. These code’s form the basis of our own internal code of conduct, that we expect all our team members and contractors to adhere to. We are proud to be fiercely independent and have built our reputation on providing fair and honest services to our clients.


Our mission is to provide a service that meets the needs of our clients in a way that benefits the clients business. We encourage our team members and contractors to be the best that they can be, professionally and personally. As suppliers we are always respectful, enjoy challenges and celebrate other’s achievements. We will always provide an open, transparent and world-class service.


Our code of conduct principles are based on four basic pillars. These pillars are;

  • Leadership - We grow by providing a service to our clients. We learn from our mistakes and use a continual improvement process to provide leadership to our team members and contractors.

  • Innovation - We identify solutions to meet clients needs.

  • Focus - We target our effort on the highest priorities that can create real improvement for our clients.

  • Excellence - We challenge mediocrity. We don’t settle for second best.


These four guiding pillars should guide all interactions with our clients. Our third party suppliers are expected to adhere to the same standards that we do as a small business. These pillars are underpinned by the principles outlined below.

1) Ethical Standards

All our team members and contractors are required to ensure that our conduct meets the highest ethical standards when we are fulfilling our responsibilities.

We will;

  • ensure our decision making and business operations are ethical

  • when our positions require it, provide advice that is objective, independent, apolitical and impartial

  • engage with each other, our stakeholders, external organisations and the public in a manner that is respectful; and meet our ethical obligations by calling out and reporting suspected wrongdoing, including conduct deemed inconsistent with this Code and our Culture.


2) Manage Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest involves a conflict between our duty and obligations as either an employee or subcontractor of Andrew Gatley - HR + L&D Consulting Services.

Having a conflict of interest is not unusual and is not a wrongdoing in itself. However, failing to disclose and manage the conflict appropriately is likely to be wrongdoing. All our team members and subcontractors are committed to demonstrating our impartiality and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities, and as such we will;

  • always disclose a personal interest that could, now or in the future, be seen as being in conflict with the performance and execution of our duties;

  • actively participate with our clients in developing and implementing resolution strategies for any conflict of interest.


3) Demonstrate A High Standard Of Behaviour & Personal Conduct

All our team members and subcontractors have a responsibility to always conduct and present ourselves in a professional manner, and demonstrate respect for all other associates, whether fellow employees, Members or other contacts.


We will;

  • treat co-workers, clients and members of the public with courtesy and respect, be appropriate in our relationships with them, and recognise that others have the right to hold views which may differ from our own.

  • ensure our conduct reflects our commitment to our environment that is inclusive and free from harassment.

  • take all reasonable steps to ensure fitness for duty and the safety, health and welfare for ourselves and others in the workplace and other related venues


4) Honesty


All team members and subcontractors will be honest, objective and truthful in their words, actions and representations and will not knowingly mislead others.


5) Integrity


All team members and subcontractors will act with integrity and trustworthiness and will not promote their own self interest or allow personal interest to undermine their objectivity, accuracy, independence and behaviour.


6) Lawfulness


All team members and subcontractors will not act unlawfully or advise in any way that would knowingly countenance, encourage or assist unlawful conduct by their employer, employees or clients.


7) Confidentiality & Intellectual Property


All team members and subcontractors will respect the private or proprietary nature of information received in the course of their work and their relationship with the Institute. All team members and subcontractors will not disclose confidential information or use other’s intellectual property without the express consent of those concerned or as provided for by law.


8) Inclusion & Diversity


All team members and subcontractors will, to the extent of their ability and opportunity, seek to constructively engage with the broader community irrespective of gender identity and sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity and cultural background or similar.


9) Breaches Of This Code


All team members and contractors are expected to observe the standards set out in this Code. Compliance with this Code is expected and non-compliance may result in disciplinary action up to and including the termination of employment or contract for services.

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